Welcome to Cundong Elementary School!

Located on the eastern side of Dacun Township, Cundong Elementary School is nestled on a plateau at the foot of Bagua Mountain. Our beautiful campus offers stunning panoramic views of Dacun and Yuanlin, providing an inspiring environment for our students to learn and grow.

At Cundong Elementary School, we strive to provide a well-rounded education by focusing on character development, reading, and ecology. Our drum team has received high praise, and our diverse clubs help stimulate students' potential. We place great importance on the balanced development of the five aspects of education, ensuring that our students receive a comprehensive learning experience.

With students at the center of our focus, we work closely with parents, the community, and alumni to foster a thriving and collaborative environment. Our school facilities serve as a leisure, sports, and reading center for the community after school hours, emphasizing the strong connection between our school and the community.

We invite you to explore our website to learn more about our programs, activities, and the unique features of Cundong Elementary School. Together, we are shaping a brighter future for our students and the community.






Teacher Mae is from the Philippines and is a very passionate foreign English teacher. You can visit her personal teaching website to learn more about what she does at Chundong Elementary School.

Teacher Mae 來自菲律賓,是一位非常有教學熱忱的外籍英語老師,大家可以點選她的個人教學網站,了解更多她在村東所做的事情。